SCSI2SD V6 Compatibility
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This page documents the compatibility of the SCSI2SD V6 board.
Compatible Systems
These systems have been tested or reported to work with the V6 card.
Computer Systems
- Adaptec AHA2940
- Amiga 3000/5000
- Apple 68k Macs
- Plus w/ v2 ROM (System 6.0.8, 7.1, 7.5)
- SCSI Selection Delay = 0
- Respond to Short Selectio Pulses = on
- Classic (OS 6.0.3, 6.0.7, 7.1)
- LC475 (OS 7.5.3)
- Macintosh SE (original) System 6.0.7.
- Macintosh SE FDHD System 6.0.7.
- Macintosh Duo Dock with PowerBook Duo 230 System 7.5.3.
- Macintosh Color Classic (modified with LC575 motherboard) System 7.6.1.
- Centris/Quadra 610
- Plus w/ v2 ROM (System 6.0.8, 7.1, 7.5)
- Apply PowerPC Macs
- Macintosh Performa 6400 MacOS 8.0.
- PowerMacintosh 9600 (modified with a G3 accelerator) MacOS 9.2.2.
- Apple Mac Performa 6100
- Sega Katana Dev.Box Set 5.24 (HKT-0120) – Official development Kit for Sega Dreamcast.
- NeXTStation '040 Color (NeXTSTEP 3.3)
- Silicon Graphics Indigo2
- Silicon Graphics Indy (IP22) w/IRIX 6.5.22
- Atari TT
- Atari ATW800 (Atari Transputer Workstation)
- HP3000 917SX and 957RX
- HP 9000 C240
- HP1000 A-Series (RTE-A 6210, A990, HP12016A Interface, FW 12016-80011)
- Sun SPARCstation 20 running Solaris 9
- OS install requirs a small change to the install process as documented here in step #10:
- DEC Alphastation 500 w/ OpenVMS
- Vendor: "DEC"
- Product: "RZ3WD-FA (C) DEC"
- Rev: "0010"
- Serial: "1a2b3c4d5e"
- DEC AXPvme 100
- IBM RS6000
- Tested on model 7011-250
- Also tested on 7043-150 with scsi2sd-v6 2020c board.
- Rational R1000/400 Ada Computer
- Akai S1000HD
- Akai S1100
- Akai S3200
- Akai S5000
- Akai DR16 Pro Hard Disk Multitrack Recorder
- Akai MPC3000 w/ Valixi OS 3.5 and scsi2sd firmware 6.2.1
- Works with multi-sector transfer on or off.
- May require fast SD cards to work properly
- Akai MPC60 with v6.1.1 firmware only (Not working with later firmware)
- E-mu Emax 1
- EMU ESI 32
- Emu e6400 Classic w/ EOS v4.62
- E-MU E4XT w/ EOS v4.7
- ESI 4000
- Ensoniq ASR-10
- Roland S760
- Roland SP-700 sample player
- Fairlight Series -III
- Yamaha EX5
- Yamaha EX5R
- Yamaha A4000/A5000
- Kurzweil K2500R and K2500RS
- Internal SCSI connector is reversed
- 360Systems Digicart
- HP16700A Logic Analyzer